Monday 4 March 2013

Ephesians 5 v 21 - 6 v 9 - Marriage, Families and Work

Husbands and wives (5v21-33)
- submit to each other
- wives submit to husbands like submitting to Christ. The husband is the head, like Christ is head of the church. Submit in everything
- Husbands love as Christ loved the church that he died for it, love her as you love your own body as you care and look after it
- leave families and be united as one
- wife respects, husband loves

Families (6v1-4)
- children obey parents
- father's don't exasperate (be unreasonable) towards children. train them up and instruct them in the Lord

Masters and slaves (6v5 -9)
- slaves obey earthly masters like they are obeying Christ, to do the will of God
- serve wholeheartedly, serving the Lord and the Lord will reward
- masters shouldn't threaten the slaves, the have the same God who has no favouritism.

We may not be married, but we need to know how to act within a marriage, and we won't be slaves, but it's in the position of having someone higher than you like a boss or leader or etc :)

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