Monday 4 March 2013

Ephesians 4 v 1 - 16 - Big Stuff

Paul calls the people to have a life worthy of the calling that they have received. To be:

  • humble
  • gentle
  • patient
  • bearing each other in love
  • keeping unity of the spirit through peace
He reminds them that they have ONE body, ONE spirit, ONE hope, ONE Lord, ONE faith, ONE baptism, ONE God and Father of all that's all been given by grace. 

He says a bit about JC coming to earth and that he ascended into heaven. And that he equipped people for the service of the body of Christ to be built up until we reach full unity, knowledge and maturity. We won't be then swayed and influenced by the world, we'll respect, we;ll grow in love and work and build up the church and body of Christ.

There's a bold challenge. Not being influenced by the world, but be in unity with Christ and other Christians around us!

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