Monday 4 March 2013

Ephesians 4 v 17 - 5 v 20 - Christian Living

Today was title "Instructions for Christian living" - eek bit of a challenge again. It's kind of split into 4 different parts.

Part 1 - overview of what not to do (4v17-19)
don't live like the Gentiles, their life without God is meaningless. Their understanding has darkened, they are separated from God, and their hearts are hardened. They've given themselves over to a sinful life, as they indulge in every kind of impurity

Part 2 - overview of what to do (4v20-24)
That's not how we're meant to be, not what we've learnt about Christ and his teachings. We're told to put away our old selfish self with old desires. To have a new attitude and to be like God in true righteousness and holiness

Part 3 - specifics in what to do / not to do (4v25-5v7 & 5v15-20)

Speak truthfully
In your anger do not sin
Share with those in need
Do not steal
Speak only what is helpful and benefitting
Do not let anything unwholesome come out of your mouth
Be kind and compassionate
Get rid of bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, slander, malice
Forgive as Christ forgave
Not any sexual immorality
Walk in love as Christ loved
No impurity
Be wise
No greed
Make the most of every opportunity
No obscenity
Be filled with the spirit
No coarse joking
No immorality
Give thanks to God
Do not be foolish

Do not get drunk

Part 4 - to make sure we're in the light, not the dark (5v8-14)
We were once in the darkness, now in the light. live as goodness, righteousness and truth. We should be nothing to do with the darkness, but expose the darkness without dwelling on it. Everything exposed from the darkness becomes a light -> God's effect

So, simply how we're meant to live, but it's never that simple. What do you need to stop doing, or start doing?

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